

 Main page | JMZ | JMZ 236 NE, 236 BE, 7601.10
V-shaped high pressure fuel injection pump levers with adjusters and controller upper cover

Part Number Description Part count in models
1/07342/01 Cotter pin 2х15 (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------3--
7 1/09022/21 Bolt М6х16 --------2--
10 1/09026/21 Bolt M6x25 --------6--
8 1/11977/71 Washer 06 --------10--
9 1/26444/01 Washer 06х15 --------2--
2 1/58962/11 Nut M6 --------6--
32.1110024 Upper governor cover assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
18 32.1110094 Coupling lever pin --------1--
6 32.1110184 Governor control lever --------2--
1 320-88019 Adjusting bolt М6х40 --------2--
45 320-88333 Nut M5 --------2--
3 33.1110025 Upper governor cover --------1--
13 33.1110026 Gasket --------1--
29 33.1110065-11 Thrust journal --------1--
40 33.1110080-10 Adjusting bolt --------1--
38 33.1110088 Governor lever pin --------1--
35 33.1110089 Spacing collar --------1--
23 33.1110161-10 Rack lever and dowel pins assy --------1--
31 33.1110162 Weights coupling lever --------1--
33.1110163-10 Rack lever (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
28 33.1110172-21 Corrector rod --------1--
21 33.1110174-10 Corrector pushrod --------1--
19 33.1110176 Corrector spring --------1--
20 33.1110177-01 Corrector nut --------1--
14 33.1110396-01 Lever return spring --------1--
36 33.1110412-10 Corrector --------1--
33 33.1110416 Corrector spring body --------1--
17 33.1110420 Governor lever bushing --------1--
41 33.1110466 Spring lever --------1--
16 33.1110467 Control lever shaft --------1--
4 33.1110476 Control lever bushing --------2--
44 33.1110505 Starting spring lever assy --------1--
15 33.1110596 Shhut-off lever --------1--
5 33.1110949 Seal ring --------2--
27 33.1110952 Lock washer --------1--
26 33.1110954 Lock washer --------1--
30 33.1110958 Pin --------1--
34 332.1110544 Spacing collar --------1--
22 333.1110160-21 Governor levers with correctors --------1--
37 333.1110164-30 Governor lever --------1--
43 333.1110448-20 Rack lever spring --------1--
42 333.1110462-20 Governor spring --------1--
12 870001-П29 Adjusting bolt М6х30 --------2--
11 870003-П29 Bolt M6x20 --------2--
46 870456-П15 Washer 016 --------1--
39 870505-П29 Nut М10х1 --------1--
32 870519-П15 Nut M16 --------1--
24 870701-П29 Wire cotter pin --------1--
25 870769-П Dowel pin D6x25 --------1--
870779-П Pin D7х32 (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--