

 Main page | JMZ | JMZ 236 NE, 236 BE, 7601.10
V-shaped high pressure fuel injection pump fuel supply charged controller

Part Number Description Part count in models
29 1/03780/11 Screw М6х70 --------1--
36 1/05166/77 Washer 08 --------2--
37 1/05196/01 Washer 8х17 --------1--
6 1/09024/21 Bolt M6x20 --------5--
5 1/11977/71 Washer 06 --------8--
10 1/26397/01 Washer 6х11 --------1--
9 1/58962/11 Nut M6 --------2--
19 1/61008/11 Nut M8 --------3--
1 236БЕ-1111430 Air delivery pipe going to boost compensator device --------1--
236БЕ-1111430-А Air delivery pipe going to boost compensator device (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
2 310122-П29 Bolt М10х1х22 --------2--
11 312325-П15 Washer --------1--
3 312482-П34 Washer --------4--
320-22005 Screw М4х6 (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
16 320-24004 Nut М3 --------1--
26 320-29001 Washer 14х19х1,0 --------1--
39 320-88145 Screw М8х20 --------1--
38 320-88229 Stud М8х30 --------1--
40 33.1111058 Seal ring --------2--
25 333.1110312 Screw stopper and filter assy --------1--
333.1110700-20 Boost compensator device assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
7 333.1110704-20 Diaphragm cover --------1--
22 333.1110706-21 Corrector spring --------1--
35 333.1110707-30 Pin end --------1--
23 333.1110708 Diaphragm body gasket --------1--
333.1110710-30 Corrector housing assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
30 333.1110712-20 Corrector housing --------1--
28 333.1110714-30 Corrector piston --------1--
27 333.1110715 Piston spring --------1--
24 333.1110716 Spring plate --------1--
32 333.1110717 Stud bolt --------1--
31 333.1110718 Centering pipe --------1--
20 333.1110719 Spring ring --------1--
21 333.1110720-20 Corrector valve assy --------1--
333.1110722-20 Corrector valve (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
333.1110724 Valve dowel pin (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
333.1110725 Valve lock (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
333.1110730-31 Diaphragm body assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
17 333.1110732-31 Diaphragm body --------1--
18 333.1110733 Guide screw --------1--
42 333.1110734-31 Adjusting screw --------1--
41 333.1110736-31 Adjusting screw --------1--
43 333.1110740 Corrector lever assy --------1--
333.1110742 Corrector lever (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
333.1110744 Corrector lever pin (Unit/Part is not on the picture) --------1--
8 333.1110750 Diaphragm and rod assy --------1--
15 333.1110754 Rod --------1--
12 333.1110755 Membrane --------1--
13 333.1110756 Plate --------1--
14 333.1110757 Rod bushing --------1--
34 333.1110984 Corrector gasket --------1--
4 870003-П29 Bolt M6x20 --------2--
33 870505-П29 Nut М10х1 --------1--