

 Main page | JMZ | JMZ 236 NE, 236 BE, 7601.10
YAMZ-236P3, YAMZ-236P4, YAMZ-236L1,YAMZ-236У3, YAMZ-238ВМ5, YAMZ-238ВМ7, YAMZ-238ВK7 gaerboxes

Part Number Description Part count in models
236Л1-1700004-10 Gearbox and protection components assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 11---------
1 236П-1700004-30 Gearbox and protection components assy 11---------
236П-1700004-40 Gearbox and protection components assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) 11---------
2 236У-1700004-30 Gearbox and protection components assy 11---------
238К-1700004-70 Gearbox and protection components assy (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ---11-1----
3 238М-1700004-50 Gearbox and protection components assy ---11-1----
4 238М-1700004-70 Gearbox and protection components assy ---11-1----