

 Main page | JMZ | General (look modifications)
YAMZ-238А, YAMZ-238B and YAMZ-238Н gearbox

Part Number Description Part count in models
238А-1700004 Gearbox with clutch housing and reduction gear --------11
238А-1700010 Gearbox and auxiliary gearbox assy ----------
238Б-1700004 Gearbox with clutch housing and reduction gear -------111
238Б-1700010 Gearbox and auxiliary gearbox assy ----------
238Н-1700004 Gearbox with reduction gear ------1---
238Н-1700010 Gearbox with clutch case assembly ----------
252137-П2 Spring washer (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ------12121212
310214-П29 Bolt (Unit/Part is not on the picture) ------12121212