
“AutoKrAZ” and “PoltNTU” to Cooperate in Scientific and Technical Field

29 June, 2017

This intention is declared in agreement between PoltNTU and “AutoKrAZ” signed June 27 during the visit of delegation of governing body, lecturers and students of major player in technical higher education across the region and Ukraine to Kremenchug Automobile Plant. Lack of engineers in engineering industry raised the problem of close cooperation between scientists and production workers.  Such a partnership will enable to organize on-the-job training for engineering students, internship of masters and further training for university lecturers and automobile plant employees.   

The visit of Poltava residents to KrAZ started from checking out rare and advanced Ukrainian vehicles exhibited at the company’s facilities on occasion of important event. This day KrAZHistoryMuseum celebrated its 50th anniversary.  General Director Roman Chernyak told in details to all those present about evolution of KrAZ truck checking out vehicles exhibited beginning from first-born dump truck KrAZ-222 Dnieper. The visitors listened with interest to story about each vehicle exhibited, checked out new lineup of military and civilian KrAZ trucks. They were interested listeners when walking around the museum, thanked for preserving history, reopening the museum and gave a present to a hero of day. Wonderful oil painting representing PoltNTU main building that will celebrate soon its 200th anniversary found its place in the museum, and a feedback appeared in guestbook: “On behalf of scientific and teaching staff of Yuriy Kondratyuk Poltava National Technical University we sincerely thank for familiarizing us with such a powerful and great history of establishment and development of KrAZ plant. We wish further achievements and keeping leadership in the automotive industry. Yours faithfully, Principal PNTI Vladimir Onishchenko. 27.06.2017."

The visitors could see up-to-date Training Centre, its training hardware, cut away units, unique interactive stands and equipment. Here bilateral scientific and technical cooperation agreement has been signed.  

The attendees could see the whole process of truck assembly from chassis subassembly to rolling off assembly line, performance of Ukrainian products, KrAZ trucks, was demonstrated on the company’s proving ground.  

“Ukraine’s future is with high technology production! I thank General Director Roman Chernyak for understanding and assistance in practical training for engineers for our country“, — V.Onishchenko wrote on Facebook.

KrAZ management is sure that systemic steps aimed at rapprochement of production and science taken by the automobile pant a year ago, first of all, will work in favor of customer. Research and experience gained by scientists will help engineering industry to implement promptly new technologies, new materials, and new methods. KrAZ hopes that major player in technical higher education will ensure training of highly skilled engineers and technicians for automotive industry in its departments Motor Transport, Industrial Engineering, Applied Mechanics, and Electrical Engineering. Kremenchug Automobile Plant is waiting for young technically competent and highly skilled entrants!

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