
Research and Production Complex “Iskra” Builds a New KrAZ-Based Radar Station

25 February, 2014

Research and Production Complex “Iskra”, strategic partner of “AutoKrAZ”, is working currently to develop and manufacture the МR-1 radar station mounted on the KrAZ off-road truck. This information has been posted on the site of Defense Express (http://defense-ua.com/rus/news/?id=41189)

Research and production Complex “Iskra”, part of GK “Ukroboronprom”, is a leading designer and manufacturer of ground radar systems for the defence sector of Ukraine.

According to the Director of KP «NPK “Iskra” I.Presnyak, the МР-1 radar station has a series of advantages over foreign VHF band radar stations. In particular, the МR-1 radar can be deployed within  5 minutes unlike the Nebo-SVU radar, which needs 30 minutes for deployment.

Main feature of the МR-1 radar is its capability to detect airborne stealth targets Moreover, it allows to determine target altitude unlike the VOSTOK-E radar.

“ The whole set of the MR-1 radar is mounted on the off-road KrAZ truck (6х6), - said the Director of NKP “Iskra”, - unlike the  55Zh5 radar that needs 3 vehicle units for carrying. The state-of-the-art digital equipment allows for integration into both military and civil airspace control systems. The radar easily integrates with almost any devices using radar data using both standard and non-standard communications protocols.

The МR-1 radar station may go on a series of governmental tests as early as in 2015. 

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