
KrAZ Trucks at Police Oath-Taking Ceremony in Poltava

09 March, 2016

KrAZ trucks together with policemen of Poltava took oath of loyalty to Ukraine on the 5th of March. The ceremony was held on the square near Regional State Administration where KrAZ trucks that were delivered by invitation of Regional Council Head were displayed.  KrAZ trucks on display were heavily visited as it always has been.  Poltava residents and city visitors looked with undisguised interest at armored KrAZ-Cougar and police and military KrAZ-Spartan, heavy armored vehicles based on military off road vehicles KrAZ-Shrek and KrAZ-Fiona.  

Prime Minister of Ukraine Mr.Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Minster of Interior Mr.Arsen Avakov and Deputy Chairman of National Police of Ukraine Mr.Alexander Fatsevich that came to this ceremony were among numerous attendees of the exhibition. After the oath-taking ceremony they were browsing new models of KrAZ military trucks. Advanced vehicles intended for army have been presented to the nation’s leadership by General Director Mr.Roman Chernyak. He told in details about their capabilities and performance.  Among other things General Director of KrAZ said that Kremenchug Automobile Plant was ready to fulfill new public contracts: KrAZ workers can provide law, defence and security agencies of the country with any models of trucks and in any quantity. The company has all the necessary for that.

Mr.Arsen Avakov spoke well about national vehicles, according to him the burden of the first toughest period in ATO zone fell on the shoulders of KrAZ.  The Minister of Interior praised the quality, performance, reliability and repairability of national armored vehicles.  

“When the country is at war, the main sight of Poltava is not historical landmark, architecture or scenic nature. Unfortunately, KrAZ plant with its new strategic models, the only Ukrainian manufacturer of trucks, features the most critical facilities for the country.  Prime Minister and I we could see and appreciate KrAZ-Shrek, KrAZ-Fiona, Spartans and Cougar vehicles. Excellent performance, reliability, quality and repairability of these vehicles will save more than one life of our soldiers in ATO zone.  I would like to thank designers, engineers and all the KrAZ employees! How many of these vehicles endured the hardships in combat actions”, - said Arsen Avakov.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk has taken fancy to KrAZ-Spartan police vehicle and huge lady KrAZ-Fiona. Plenty of photos and selfies of the Prime Minister with Poltava residents have been made both inside and outside cabs of Kremenchug vehicles.

As it usually is, there were a lot of children among attendees. They explored the armored vehicles so that adults had to take very intensive efforts to push through the crowd.

KrAZ thanks once again its devotees and patriots who are proud with domestic manufacturer and support it in word and deed. KrAZ is committed to do its best to ensure prosperity of Poltava region and Ukraine. 

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