
KrAZ Helps With Employment of Displaced Residents

23 March, 2016

“AutoKrAZ” along with over 40 employers of Kremenchug and region participated at career fair Poltava Region for Internally Displaced Persons held March 22 in the palace of Culture of the town. The fair was held under the auspices of Poltava Region State Administration, Employment Centre of Kremenchug and Poltava region and European Union.  

Kremenchug Automobile Pant offered the biggest number of job openings, 21 positions, most of which are for workers. It is nothing new for KrAZ as the company has an experience of employment of internally displaced persons. During 2014-15 10 displaced persons from Donetsk and Lugansk regions and Republic of Crimea were employed by the automobile plant. There is reason that the number of employed displaced persons will go up as many people left their CVs.

By the way, the career fair has been attended by unemployed Kremenchug residents that took a lively interest in job openings offered by Kremenchug Automobile Plant, including ex-employees who left their employments for a number of reasons but want to come back: electricians, construction metal workers, etc. These people have been offered to attend job interview. The fair has been also attended by future graduates of Ostrogradskiy National University of Kremenchug and Vocational School No 7. They also left their job applications because KrAZ is always ready to employ its graduates. 45 graduates of vocational schools of the previous year work at KrAZ today.

According to KrAZ such career fairs are effective. The very next day after the career fair, several persons come to work to the automobile plant following the job interview.  

It should be noted that Poltava region is among regions of Ukraine that actively takes in displaced person from temporarily occupied territories.  They are assisted in finding job, accommodation, getting education, social and health care and psychological aid. According to Poltava Region Employment Centre 928 displaced persons have been employed in the region.


“AutoKrAZ” has about 150 vacant jobs with 120 jobs for workers including much needed jobs such as toolmaker, construction metal worker, operator of multiple types of machines, etc.  The other 36 vacant jobs are for engineers: foremen, production engineers, safety engineers. The number of persons employed by KrAZ today amounts to over 3 500 employees who can support their families.   

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