
Foreign Trade Firm KrAZ Celebrates 25 Years!

01 April, 2016

“FTF “KrAZ” celebrates 25 years on the 1st of April. The firm was established in 1991 to concentrate KrAZ export sales within one company and increase activity in foreign markets.

“FTF ”KrAZ” has supplied over 12 000 KrAZ trucks to foreign countries for 25 years. KrAZ trucks are used today in over 55 countries of the world such as Egypt, China, India, Vietnam, UAE, Peru, Afghanistan, Congo, Columbia, Yemen, Iraq, Thailand, and Laos.

KrAZ trucks have been supplied directly to UN for the first time ever in the company’s history due to efforts of “FTF “KrAZ”. KrAZ trucks were used by UN peacekeeping forces in Iraq, Sudan, Yugoslavia, and Sierra-Leone. Intensive efforts of “Foreign Trade Firm”KrAZ” in partnership with foreign companies resulted in armored vehicles being created.

Foreign Trade Firm takes efforts to implement up-to-date promotional practices because export sales have always accounted for the majority of KrAZ sales. The team of professionals of “FTF “KrAZ” remains result-oriented today.

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