
KrAZ Honors its Veterans on the Victory Day

10 May, 2016

Kremenchug Automobile Plant jointly with all patriots, Kremenchug residents and visitors of our town honored World War II veterans on the Victory Day.  Holiday meeting was held on the 9th of May at the Memorial dedicated to those who died in this war.


KrAZ workers along with staff of other companies of our town came to honor the memory of those who died and the veterans on this big day. By the way, all those present could see military vehicles manufactured by the automobile plant. Except rare military vehicles of the Soviet period, today’s exhibits at the company’s museum, the KrAZ-Fiona armored vehicle, present day’s defender of borders in the east of our country, stood out for its impressive appearance on the square in front of the memorial.


General Director of “AutoKrAZ”, Mr. Roman Chernyak, along with other directors laid a big basket of flowers to memorial on behalf of the automobile plant staff.

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