
KrAZ Maintains Social Partnership at a High Level

24 June, 2016

Funding of social programs implemented at KrAZ has always been a massive cost item for the company. The management intentionally devotes funds because it realizes that it affects not only state of mind of staff but also achievement of production goals.

Employment benefits provided by Kremenchug Automobile Plant for decades helped the automobile pant employees to weather the storm on many occasions.  A similar situation is now taking place: cheap lunches, baked food, vegetables, berries, fruit and other food products produced by foodservice centre help KrAZ workers to withstand amidst dramatic increase in utilities and basic consumer goods. KrAZ workers can afford quality hot meals in canteens in the company’s territory. What is more, the price is quite acceptable because extra charges on food products purchased by the plant are only 30 percent, while in the town network it amounts to 300 percent. Every day, except lunches, the company’s canteens, flour room and pastry shop produce 1000 loaves of bread, the same amount of fried and baked pies, 700 pastries, with monthly consumption of flour of 10 t. Third part of these products are sold to plant employees through shops and canteens, the rest is sold to town residents through network of groceries.  


Summer is busy period for foodservice centre. Harvesting to enrich food with vitamins, sell through the company’s retail network and can vegetables and fruit is at the very height. Record-holders of the company’s greenhouses are cucumbers: 100 kg were harvested in May, while in June over 300 kg and that is not the end. The foodservice centre workers harvested over 100 kg of cabbage, 80 kg of dill, 90 kg of lettuce, 150 kg of radish, harvesting of marrow, potato, beetroot, tomatoes started. They also harvested 100 kg of cherries and 300 kg of black currants, harvesting of apricots, cherry plums, apples and pears is on the horizon. Fruit is canned to make drinks and baked food in winter. 


It should be noted that the foodservice centre has always been subsidized by KrAZ. In 2015 subsidies provided to the foodservice centre amounted to UAH 2m of the total amount of funds provided for social programs. Development of social benefits and protection provided to KrAZ workers never ends even now amidst aggravated crisis when the automobile plant tightened belts and shifted focus to ensure continuous operation of assembly line. What is more, there is a consecutive increase in funding for social programs. In 2015 the company’s funding of social sphere amounted to over UAH 5,5 m (in 2014 – UAH 4,8 m). In 2016 funding of social programs will be increased primarily to extend employment benefits for the staff. 

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