
Military Men and Cadets Visit KrAZ

12 July, 2016

At the request of commander of local unit А1546 “AutoKrAZ” received a visit from Sahaydachniy Ground Forces National Academy. Last Tuesday and Friday 40 youths trained to protect the sovereignty of our country had a visit to Kremenchug Automobile Plant. Visitors could see the main assembly line and complete assembly cycle going across all of its 26 operational areas. They asked questions about configuration, vehicle assembly process starting from feeding chassis into assembly line until rolling off it, models, initial assembly and assembly time for one unit, had a talk with assembly workers.  

Future military men were very attentive while watching presentation film about the only Ukrainian manufacturer of heavy-duty trucks, its products and performance of KrAZ trucks. The film was shown in the company’s Training Centre cadets visited with great interest and rousing cheers. They liked much automotive classroom provided with cut-away units of Kremenchug trucks while not concealing admiration for simulator of the KrAZ-6322 truck, operational air and electrical diagrams.

Young defenders could connect with the 70-years history of KrAZ in the company’s museum. Before saying good-bye new military addition thanked and wished stability and prosperity for the plant, new achievements and more power for the trucks.
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