
Young Addition to KrAZ Staff

22 July, 2016

As of today 43 graduates of Higher Vocational School No 7, Vocational School No 26 and OilRefiningVocational School have been employed at “AutoKrAZ”. Youth got their first job at the largest industrial company of Kremenchug.  

Kremenchug Automobile Plant, in the business of which the graduates engaged themselves, took efforts to support young employees to the greatest extent.   First of all, every newbie has been assigned a mentor that will learn to apply in practice knowledge obtained in vocational schools and gain professional skills. Moreover, the management decided to provide financial incentives to youth.  Efforts have been taken to prepare and put in force new Regulations on financial incentives for young workers and recent graduates, that provide for benefits and compensations. These Regulations will help save and develop human resources of the automobile plant, employ, secure and adapt young workers and professionals at KrAZ.

Thus, Regulations provide for fringe benefit amounting to 20 percent of minimum wages if young workers do not violate labor discipline during first three months, 30 percent during the next three months, 40 percent for third three months, and half of minimum wages will be paid for fourth three months of work. Regulations also provide for compensation of meals in the company’s canteen for young workers during first year of work amounting to UAH 15 per day. Regulations cover workers discharged from Armed Forces of Ukraine. Single employees and professionals from another towns employed during three months after graduation are accommodated in the company’s residential facilities.

The management provided financial incentives not only for youth but also for their mentors. Regulations provide for one-time cash reward amounting to 30 percent of average monthly wages.

The company hopes that young addition will carry on KrAZ traditions and make a worthy contribution into further development of the company.


This year “AutoKrAZ” needs 81 graduates of vocational schools, 68 of which are workers and the rest are engineers and technicians. In 2015 the company employed 88 graduates, 13 of which were admitted to higher education institutions, over 40 persons are still in employment with the company, the rest left the automobile plant for a number of reasons. “AutoKrAZ” has about 120 vacant jobs with 100 jobs for workers including much needed jobs such as toolmaker, construction metal worker, milling machine operator, transfer machine fitter, operator of multiple types of machines, etc.  The other vacant positions are for engineers and technicians: foremen, quality and procurement engineers and production engineers. The staff employed by “KrAZ” amounts to over 3 600 persons.

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