
“AutoKrAZ” Reports Stability

02 August, 2016

“AutoKrAZ” maintains production level achieved in the beginning of the second half year. Kremenchug Automobile Plant produced 75 vehicles in this July, the same amount as in the previous month June. Chassis cabs amount for 51 percent of the total output, platform trucks for 44 percent, and truck tractors for  5 percent. 63 percent of vehicles have been built for sales in the domestic market, while the rest accounting for 37 percent for export sales. Other products except vehicles were produced in July. 8 trailers have been built (the number of trailers manufactured since the beginning of the year amounts to 17 units, an increase of 21 percent from 2015).  The company produced UAH 4,6 worth of spare parts, the output increased to UAH 22,3m since the start of the year  (up 18,2 percent from 2015). “AutoKrAZ” produced UAH 3m worth of castings, the output since the beginning of the year exceeded UAH 145m and achieved the previous year’s level.

The company manufactured over UAH 101m worth of products in July. В

According to “AutoKrAZ” an important result achieved for 7 months period of this year is a completion of obligations under public defence contract. In compliance with the agreement between “AutoKrAZ” and the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine various models of 4х4 and 6х6 special vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers have been supplied to customer within an agreed timeframe.

Timely execution of public defence contract was possible due to concerted team efforts of all the strategic partners of “AutoKrAZ”: Poltava Brake Components Plant and Kamenets-Podolskautoagregat, Tokmak Press-Forging Plant, Mariupol Radiator Plant, Kherson Steering Wheel Plant and Ukrainian suppliers of components and manufacturers of special superstructures.  

KrAZ is expecting new orders in full readiness for fulfillment. Production facilities and human resources make it possible for the company to fulfill any order both for military and civilian sectors of the country. KrAZ is ready to supply high quality, efficient and reliable vehicles to substitute imported foreign vehicles. 

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