
Educators: Unfortunately, Except Zhevago, Nobody Helps Our Children Today

01 September, 2016

Today, on the 1st of September, on occasion of the Knowledge Day, “AutoKrAZ”, jointly with People’s Deputy of Ukraine Konstantin Zhevago, handed presents to first form schoolchildren of Molodyozhniy district. Almost seven hundred gift bags with all the necessary things for studies have been given to children after the first bell.  Orphans and children living in low income families have not been neglected, too.  The People’s Deputy gave to everyone a big school kit.  

Parents thanked sincerely because they will not have to spend on paints, plasticine, a pile of copybooks, pencils, felt pens, colored paper and many stationery items so much needed for learning activities. Teachers and schoolmasters of Molodyozhniy district also thanked saying that the help provided by the People’s Deputy Konstantin Zhevago is regular, substantial and timely.

Schoolmistress of the school No 17 Mrs.Valentina Marchenko said: “Unfortunately, except Zhevago, nobody helps our children today. In our school alone 124 first form schoolchildren received stationery items required for learning activities, almost the same amount of items has been given to children living in low income families, multi-child families and orphans. As for the whole district, this number comes closer to 1 000 say nothing of other charities. We sincerely thank our deputy and “KrAZ” for support and help. In this difficult period for our country, companies, institutions, and parents only such an interaction and support can help us preserve values and we are happy to have so responsible helpers”.  

Pupils of the school No 31 had another present: a new sports ground worth of over UAH 200 000. In his speech during its solemn opening, Mr.Zhevago (he is on the photo next to General Director Roman Chernyak) said that he, jointly with industrial giant “AutoKrAZ”, found opportunity to present to pupils a state-of-the-art sports ground provided with all the necessary equipment.

“KrAZ” pays special attention to children realizing that to move forward, the automobile plant, as other Ukrainian companies, needs young, talented and enterprising personnel. “AutoKrAZ” is glad to welcome young addition in its family. “KrAZ” believes they are worthy of taking over from today’s workers and will continue to build powerful off road vehicle with steel character - KrAZ truck! 

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