
Energy Saving Program Development at KrAZ

08 September, 2016

“AutoKrAZ” switches to using high-efficiency lamps as part of ongoing energy saving program and measures aimed at saving energy resources. LED ST 50 W lamps with lifespan exceeding 50 000 hours will be used to light internal territory. Energy consumed by GSU-250 lamps is estimated at 4675 kW a day (at night time) while energy consumed by LED ST-50 lamps is only 935 kW for the same period.

It is worth noting that Kremenchug Automobile Plant is located on almost 150 ha, to light the territory at night time 187 street lights with GSU-250 lamps of 250-500 W are used. In the first place, about 20 lamps were replaced on two main intersections and causeway to security gate house No 1. According to the company’s power engineers, the monthly economy is estimated at about UAH 2236 on the first stage, and during warranty period it will reach almost UAH 135 000 (80 percent economy due to low power consumption  as compared to common lighting). What is more, illumination will increase by 1,5 times (luminous power efficiency of up to 98 percent, close to daylight).

Moreover, when switching to LED lamps there is no need in special disposal methods because they do not contain mercury and other hazardous and noxious substances and no need in replacement of burnt lamps with low reliability. Street lights provided with such lamps do not overload power supply network, which allows for additional saving on their maintenance and repair.

The company intends to replace all the old type lamps with energy saving ones within two years.

“AutoKrAZ” is sure that energy saving on a level of the country having electricity shortage is possible only in case of carrying out power saving programs at the local level. 

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