
KrAZ Celebrates the Day of Machine Builder!

23 September, 2016

“AutoKrAZ” celebrated its professional holiday by songs, honoring the best employees, displaying mass production models and future vehicles, demonstrating their performance.  

Festive events took place on the company’s proving ground. Colleagues were not alone to come to congratulate the best employees. At numerous requests of “AutoKrAZ” staff the doors of the company’s guard house were open on the Day of Machine Builder for their relatives, loved ones, friends of the automobile plant workers who came to see an excellent show on the proving ground.  


After congratulatory speech of General Director Roman Chernyak the best employees and personnel have been awarded corporate awards such as Medals of Merit I-IV degrees, letters of recognition, valuable gifts and cash bonuses.

After awarding was over a traditional parade was held and a column of displayed vehicles passed reviewing stands. Test drivers made a spectacular show with simultaneous travelling of some vehicles on different courses, these vehicles wee KrAZ-Spartan, KrAZ-Cougar, KrAZ-Shrek and mass production КrАZ-6322 and КrАZ-5233 off road vehicles.

Reviewing stands were in a great toss applauding and cheering drivers and vehicles that easily went over tough obstacles of the proving ground. Visitors were reluctant to let the vehicles go away and retire to their homes; they took pictures near KrAZ vehicles for a rather long time.

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