
KrAZ-Spartan in Juvenile Correctional Institution

31 August, 2017

Light armored vehicle KrAZ-Spartan has recently participated in an event prepared by rapid deployment force of Kremenchug juvenile correctional institution. The vehicle was delivered to the correctional institution at the request of government institution officers for off-site meeting of North-Eastern Interregional Directorate Panel for enforcement of criminal sanctions and probation of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. 

 This event was chaired by the Head of North-Eastern Interregional Directorate Panel for enforcement of criminal sanctions and probation of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine Mr.O.Krikushenko, participants were officers of penitentiary facilities of Poltava, Kharkov, Sumy and Lugansk regions. Rapid deployment force on armored KrAZ-Spartan captured hypothetical escaped convicts.

Participation of KrAZ at this event showed interest of representatives of penal system special forces in such armored vehicles. Before the start, attendees checked out this armored vehicles and heard detailed description of   its performance. After the show officials said they were captivated by speed, maneuverability and comfort of the KrAZ-Spartan vehicle.   According to them, this vehicle is well suited for rapid deployment force and they want these powerful new vehicles to be purchased for needs of the Ministry of Justice, except border troops, Armed Forces of Ukraine and National Guard. 

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