
KrAZ Employees Give Welcome to Birthday Person

09 June, 2017

Former Head of Service Department Yuriy Shitko celebrated 70th anniversary in the family circle of KrAZ workers. Following the long-standing tradition this reputable man, veteran and Honored Machine Builder of Ukraine has been congratulated at KrAZ.

Congratulating all veterans on occasion of their milestone anniversaries in the automobile plant museum is a good tradition. This time, representatives of plant administration, labor union, Council of Veterans and former colleagues came with   congratulations, flowers, presents and kind words of gratitude for years of work for the benefit of the company. They recalled together career path of the hero of the day: almost 50 years of work from apprentice mechanic in tool room to deputy engineering director.  Colleagues said that plant machinery is in working order, is being upgraded and ensure business continuity due to efforts of Yuriy Shitko and his followers. 

Yuriy Shitko was pleasantly surprised to see how many people came to congratulate him and proudly said that he had given almost all his life to the company since the age of 16. By the way, the whole Shitko dynasty worked at KrAZ: his parents, wife and children. He thanked for warm welcome, sincere congratulations and care the company gives to its veterans. “I am proud that all my working life is related only with KrAZ. I left a piece of my heart in every department I worked. I wish KrAZ family patience, optimism, success in building trucks, I wish my home company prosperity and many happy returns!”, - said honored worker before leaving.

It should be noted that veterans organization of Kremenchug Automobile Plant that numbers almost 5000 persons is the biggest in number among similar organizations of the other Kremenchug industrial companies. Based on the decision of the company’s General Director Roman Chernyak all veterans of war and labor get monetary remuneration on occasion of significant anniversaries. Doing that amidst crisis is a big challenge because every penny counts and should be allocated to needs of major assembly line and support of the company’s business. Every year, over 300 former employees of the automobile plant get financial help, presents, food gift baskets on occasion of anniversaries, Victory Day and 8th of March. The company does it under any circumstances because its veterans won World War II, built “KrAZ”, created the most powerful truck in the world, shared their experience and moral values with today’s generation of KrAZ employees.  

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