
“KrAZ” Announces Growth at the End of Month, Quarter and Half-Year

02 July, 2014

Since the start of this year, “KrAZ” has been revving up production and sales. In June 102 vehicles rolled off the main assembly line of the Kremenchug Automobile Plant, which is 7,4 percent up from May result.

Chassis cabs account for 80 percent of total output, truck tractors for 10 percent, platform trucks for 5 percent, dump trucks for 4 percent, short log trucks for 1 percent. It should be mentioned that the internal market slightly recovers today. Thus, vehicles made for Ukrainian customers account for 10,8 percent of the total output, vehicles for foreign customers account for 68,6 percent and vehicles for RF account for 20,6 percent.

KrAZ’s results in the second quarter and first half-year of 2014 are representative. Among other things, 287 vehicles were made in the second quarter, which is 36 percent up from previous year. Since the beginning of the year, 479 KrAZ vehicles rolled of the main assembly line, which is almost 50 percent up from the same period of previous year.

Sales grew more than twice as compared to the first half-year of the previous year. The number of vehicles shipped to customers totals to 430 units.

“AutoKrAZ” also reports growth in all the areas of its business, output of spare parts increased by 50 percent, output of castings grew by 30 percent as compared to the first half-year of 2013.

The Company’s Production Plan provides for higher output in July as compared to previous month. The staff intends to do its best to reach target figures.

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