
“AutoKrAZ” Ramps Up Production

01 August, 2014

July was really hot for “AutoKrAZ”, Kremenchug Automobile Plant saw a great increase in results. Output growth rate 143,6 percent as compared to previous month. In July 131 vehicle rolled off the main assembly line, almost 30 percent up from previous month and from the same period a year earlier. Chassis cabs account for 45,8 percent of total output, platform trucks for 42,8 percent, dump trucks for  1,5 percent, special vehicles for  7,6 percent, truck tractors for 2,3 percent.

Since the beginning of the year KrAZ manufactured 610 vehicles, 44,2 percent up from the same period of previous year. “AutoKrAZ” has also seen increase in sales since the start of this year. Export sales account for 90 percent of the total number of vehicle sold within 8 month, the rest of vehicles were sold in domestic market.  

“AutoKrAZ” also reports growth in output of products delivered under cooperation agreement. Production of spare parts grew by 30,5 percent to UAH 31,3m, production of castings grew almost by 30 percent to a total of  UAH 40m.

The staff of the Kremenchug Automobile Plant believes that ramping up production and sales amid unstable political and economical situation negatively affecting automotive industry is a great achievement. The personnel intends to do its best to reach set goals, including increase in output, mastering production of new models and improving quality of mass-produced models. 

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