
PJSC “AutoKrAZ” ІТ- Director Ranked as the BEST CIO-2015

01 February, 2016

BEST CIO-2015 Competition results were announced on 28th of January in Kiev. The best IT-experts of Ukraine in various sectors of industry have been selected. ІТ-Director of PJSC “AutoKrAZ” Maxim Sasonov has been announced a winner nominated in Machine and Instrument Engineering.

All-Ukrainian contest of IT-Directors BEST CIO has been arranged by the edition Computer Revue, under the auspices of Microsoft and partners of the project: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Dell, IBM, “Ukrtelekom”, Integrity Systems and De Novo, it has been an annual event since 2008. The competitors were heads of IT departments in charge of Information and Communication Technologies in their companies who control relevant business processes.

The level of BEST CIO competitors based on data about them has been determined by a competent jury consisting of representatives, organizers, partners, market experts and some IT-Directors who were winners of previous contests IT-Director of Kremenchug Automobile Plant was among 120 contenders for BEST CIO, he passed some rounds of the contest and could get through the final round with 27 lead IT-experts in sectors such as trade, transport and logistics, insurance, small and medium banks, big banks, mining and smelting, machine and instrument engineering, power industry and fuel, food industry and agriculture.

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