
“AutoKrAZ” Makes Substantial Contributions to the Public Purse

08 June, 2016

“AutoKrAZ”, the largest industrial revenue generating company and the only Ukrainian manufacturer of heavy-duty trucks, remains one of the largest contributors to budgetary and extra-budgetary funds of Kremenchug and Poltava region. Even amidst decline in economy that affected machine-building industry of Ukraine in whole and KrAZ business the company could fulfill its obligations towards the government and increase significantly amount of taxes paid In the first quarter of  2016  “AutoKrAZ” paid over UAH  35,1m, up 17,5 percent from a year ago period. This amount includes: VAT – about UAH 16,8m (up 41 percent from the same period of the previous year), taxes to state budget up 11,4 percent to over UAH 25m, taxes paid to local budget exceeding UAH 10m  (up 36,3 percent from the previous year), military tax grew almost up to UAH 0,5m (+ 26,6 percent), land rent amount to over UAH 4,4m (up 23  percent).

“KrAZ” is a leading company in social responsibility in Kremenchug and Poltava region. Amidst political and economical crisis the company’s operation is stable and it fulfils its social obligations. Average salary of full-time staff amounting to UAH 4162  has been increased two times since the beginning of the year: in January and April.  

Today Kremenchug Automobile Plant employs over 3600 full-time employees, 97 percent of them are 45 years old workers.  

“AutoKrAZ” plans to continue finding ways to improve employment benefits for its staff, improve their working conditions and reconstruct social facilities. KrAZ shareholders with the support of Charity Fund of People’s Deputy Konstantin Zhevago decided to reconstruct a piece of architecture and important social facility of Kremenchug: Palace of Culture “KrAZ” on the books of the automobile plant. According to preliminary calculations about UAH 10m is needed to carry out these works. 

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