
New Young Addition to Workforce of KrAZ

17 June, 2016

“AutoKrAZ” along with 19 employers of Kremenchug and region participated at the next job fair initiated by job centre held June 16 at the premises of Vocational School No 7. Large industrial companies that offered employment were the automobile and wheel plants, the other participants were textile industry companies, construction companies, municipal services and recruiting agencies. 

Kremenchug Automobile Plant offered the most jobs, 20 vacant positions, most of them are blue-collar jobs. In the nearest future graduates of vocational schools of our town, for instance vocational school of the automobile plant, Vocational School No 7, will face job choice problem, and there are reasons to think they will choose KrAZ as permanent employment after job fair.

It should be noted that the previous job fair was very successful; many job seekers were interested in offers of Kremenchug Automobile Plant. Except graduates interested in job offers, many unemployed people came including former workers of Kremenchug industrial companies that had not survived crisis. They have been offered to come to interview. Future graduates of Ostrogradskiy National University of Kremenchug, displaced residents from ATO zone have also applied for job because KrAZ is one few companies of our town that offers job stability and completely fulfills its obligations towards staff.

“AutoKrAZ” is pleased to say that such job fairs are very effective recruitment tool. Today, since the very morning, some persons came to interview and many people have called up to Human Resources Department to apply for a job.

Today “AutoKrAZ” offers about 20 vacant jobs, including 160 blue-collar jobs, some of them very much needed: toolmaker, metal worker, milling machine operator, transfer machine fitter, and operator of multiple types of equipment. The other vacant positions are for engineers and technicians: foremen, quality and procurement engineers and production engineers. The staff employed by “KrAZ” amounts to over 3 600 persons. 

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