
KrAZ Vehicles Are Used for Training of Donbass Police Officers

11 July, 2016

127 police recruits of Donetsk region will undergo military training. Young lieutenants will be taught to drive up-to-date special vehicles as part of two-month training that started on 3rd of July. Two vehicles used for training are the KrAZ-6322 AWD vehicles intended for use in various special operations.

The Minister of Interior Mr.Avakov presented two special vehicles KrAZ on the day of liberation of Mariupol from illegal military groups. In his speech he emphasized that powerful KrAZ vehicles much needed for use in ATO zone are completely ready for their first trip.  By the way, on this important day for Mariupol residents military vehicles including primarily KrAZ vehicles such as Spartan, Shrek and special vehicles based on the KrAZ-6322 and KrAZ-5233 chassis paraded across the city two years in a row. 


New special vehicles presented by the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine to the Police of Donbass region are on duty since the moment of their transfer. Testing of KrAZ vehicles was held on the proving ground in Volodarsk area.  KrAZ special vehicles and three armored reconnaissance vehicles in service with the Police of Donetsk region are used for training of young lieutenants.

It should be recalled that KrAZ military vehicles tackle various jobs in combat zone today. They are recognized as frontline vehicle due to their excellent performance. Military say that there is nothing like KrAZ that performs on rugged terrains, steep slopes under any weather conditions. What the warriors seem to appreciate the most is survivability and KrAZ vehicles make it possible for their crew to survive due to their thick armor and conventional design.

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