
Close Attention of Military Men for KrAZ Vehicles at Arms and Security

12 October, 2016

The International Exhibition Arms and Security 2016 opened its doors yesterday in Kiev. Following the tradition, “AutoKrAZ”, the only national complete-cycle manufacturer of trucks, exhibited a lot of advanced military vehicles including interesting newly developed models such as KrAZ-Hulk armored frameless military off road vehicle based on the KrAZ-5233 4х4 MRAP chassis and the first Ukrainian self-driving armored vehicle KrAZ-Spartan.

The first day of the large-scale exhibition showed close attention of senior officials and employees of the Ministry of Defence, National Guard, the Ministry of the Interior, Security Service of Ukraine and foreign military men for vehicles built by national manufacturer.

It is too early to speak about results but keen interest of Ukrainian defence and law enforcement agencies in KrAZ vehicles gives assurance that vehicles produced by national manufacturer Kremenchug Automobile Plant, on its own or in partnership with other national companies, will enter into service with the Army Ukraine. 

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