
Military KrAZ Vehicles Demonstrate National Defence Capabilities

17 October, 2016

Last week the Exhibition Arms and Security – 2016 closed its doors, it was the 13th time that the best national and foreign defence manufacturers came to the capital.  “AutoKrAZ” that participated in this event together with other national and foreign exhibitors, presented to the attention of Ukrainian and foreign military men a wide lineup of advanced military vehicles including two debut models.  The newly developed vehicles such as the KrAZ-Hulk armored frameless heavy off road vehicle and the KrAZ-Spartan self-driving vehicle were exhibited on a big separate stand in the hall of International Exhibition Centre. Another five mass produced armored KrAZ vehicles known by defence and law enforcement agencies including greatly upgraded diesel version of the KrAZ-Cougar vehicle, the KrAZ-Spartan vehicle provided with various options, KrAZ-Fiona based on the KrAZ-6322 6х6 off road chassis, RCV version of the KrAZ-Shrek-M vehicle and the KrAZ-Shrek vehicle for carrying personnel based on the KrAZ-5233НЕ 4х4 vehicle were exhibited outdoors.  All the armored mass produced battle-proven vehicle have options, weapon stations and various systems: navigation, surveillance, fire suppression systems, Run Flat, and special equipment made by Ukrainian and foreign manufacturers.  


Except Kremenchug Automobile Plant, leading Ukrainian machine building plants and defence companies exhibited about 30 KrAZ vehicles provided with various special superstructures. Kremenchug Railway Car Building Works showcased a mobile bath and laundry unit based on KrAZ chassis and new digger with armored cab, engine compartment and fuel tank mounted on the KrAZ-5233НЕ chassis built in partnership with KrAZ. Ukrspetstekhnika presented Malakhit jam-resistant radar station,   Ukroboronprom exhibited workshop truck, Chernigov Repair Plant and other Ukrainian manufactures selected various models of off road vehicles for mounting on them their special equipment. 


Products of national manufacturer KrAZ have been honorably represented at this exhibition due to joint efforts of top managers and employees of “AutoKrAZ”, their strenuous and fruitful work throughout 4 days of the exhibition. A great number of attendees and perpetual interest in the company’s exhibits prove it. Attendees who came to see exhibits displayed by “AutoKrAZ” included senior officials of law and defence agencies of Ukraine: Secretary of the Council of National Security and Defence Mr.Turchinov, Minister of Interior Mr.Avakov and Vice Minister of Defence Mr.Muzhenko. Once again senior officials praised vigorous efforts of Ukrainian manufacturer to extend lineup of military vehicles, gave them a high mark and said that such advanced vehicles are very much needed on the frontline. Time and time again senior defence officials of the country gave hope to KrAZ for procurement of its products saying that the slogan proclaimed by the government on priority of national products over imported ones is vital as never before and must be adhered to by all the officials across the country.  


All the attendees of the company’s stands and exhibits including numerous media persons could see its newly developed and mass produced products provided with options, get information about their performance, operation and maintenance. A series of meetings and negotiations were conducted with senior officers of Ukroboronprom, Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, officials of Ukrainian and foreign companies developing and manufacturing weapons and military vehicles, business partners and foreign customers of defence products throughout the exhibition. Participation in this event was successful and had good effects: a great number of promising contacts and interesting joint projects.

“AutoKrAZ” thanks organizers of Exhibition Arms and Security – 2016 for excellent opportunity to merge into tremendous event and all the exhibition attendees for engagement and interest in the only Ukrainian manufacturer of KrAZ trucks. 

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