
KrAZ Receives a Core Group of the City Council of Veterans

19 October, 2016

“Core group of the City Council of Veterans thanks our dear company «AutoKrAZ” for dignified memory of period when we worked at our plant”. This is a quote from touching entry in the guestbook of the company’s museum made by honorable visitors of Kremenchug Automobile Plant.

23 persons, representatives of core group of Kremenchug Veteran Organization, visited KrAZ on 19th of October as part of annual seminar for Chairmen of Councils of Veterans of Kryukov and Avtozavodskoy districts. Their initiative to visit the plant working with veterans in the best possible manner, according to City Council of Veterans, has been supported by the company’s senior staff and the Council of Veterans of KrAZ.

The visit to the plant started from its museum keeping all the historical events. Visitors have been met by automobile plant veterans who offered them a pie baked at KrAZ; welcome address has been delivered by senior staff representatives and Head of Trade Union Committee. Elderly visitors with undivided attention listened to guide talking about 70th years long and complicated path of KrAZ. Those who worked at KrAZ added their memories. Visitors looked at museum exhibits with undisguised interest and former plant workers with excitation peered at familiar faces on photographs, afterwards they said saying that all their youth flashed before their eyes.   

“We could see a new face of KrAZ we’ve never seen before”, - said one veteran after the visit. That is true, despite many of those present devoted half of their life to the plant before retirement, they could see a new look of restored modern plant. According to them, they were surprised to see clean territory but what impressed them much more was performance of Kremenchug trucks shown on the proving ground obstacles. “We knew that KrAZ is a powerful truck and excellent performer both on roads and off road.  But driving over solid concrete obstacles, climbing huge hill, with ease, we could not even suppose.  Proving ground is a wonder, we heard about it from our friends invited to meetings. But when you see it with your own eyes it is much more spectacular and exciting”, - said they.

Before saying goodbye, the core group of veterans thanked for opportunity to visit KrAZ, interesting trip and preserved memory, attention paid to veterans by the company’s veteran organization,  one of the most numerous in our town with over 5 000 members. They mentioned among good practices to adopt regular meetings of former plant workers with their successors, trips to places of honor that would make good on financial help and presents on occasion of holidays and anniversaries.  

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