
KrAZ Introduces its Advanced Vehicles to Municipal Workers and Miners

15 November, 2016

Last week “AutoKrAZ” participated at two international specialized exhibitions running in parallel in Kiev: KommunTekh 2016 and Mining Industry Expo 2016. The national manufacturer offered to municipal workers two advanced vehicles: the KrAZ-6511С4 20-tonnes 6х4 dump truck and the KrAZ-5401С2 10-tonnes 4х2 dump truck. Though these models of KrAZ dump trucks are quite young, provided with various superstructures they are widely used for municipal applications and road building. They are also popular with domestic machine building companies that manufacture and fit these superstructures.

Close attention of the exhibition attendees and crowds of people at the stands of “AutoKrAZ” throughout the exhibition duration proved once again that KrAZ had chosen the right priority on building a range of municipal vehicles for use in urban cycle never manufactured by KrAZ before.  Top managers, technicians and mechanics of operating companies give positive feedback: special vehicles KrAZ are efficient, ergonomic and meet all the requirements of municipal services and road building and maintenance companies. The relevant ministries have not neglected domestic vehicles. Stands of “AutoKrAZ” have been attended by the delegation of this ministry headed by Deputy Minister for Regional Development, Construction and Housing Mr.Kruglyak. After checking out exhibited vehicles and talking to representatives of “AutoKrAZ” Mr.Kruglyak gave a high mark to domestic vehicles and told about current need for municipal vehicles for successful operation of municipal services.

The KrAZ-7133С4 four-axle dump truck exhibited at Mining Industry Expo, international specialized mining exhibition, has been a success, too.  Miners that looked over the new KrAZ-7133С4 dump truck praised its overall dimensions, bigger payload, and comfortable cab. After learning about performance of this new production vehicle they added that this domestic vehicle equals its nondomestic-made counterparts in terms of performance and is a good choice for import substitution program promoted by the government.

Except Kremenchug Automobile Plant, Kharkov Plant of Transport Machinery showcased the KrAZ-63221 off road vehicle provided with special superstructure. The UPА-80 hoist unit based on off road chassis is used for oil and gas well development and repair, handling drill pipes, rods, etc.

We would like to thank all the attendees, partners, mass media journalists who attended both stands of “AutoKrAZ”, shared their constructive proposals and expressed their willingness to further partnership. 

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