
KrAZ Vehicles Put to Test during Senior Staff Meeting of State Border Service

16 November, 2016

“AutoKrAZ” together with 60 domestic manufacturers that presented to border guards 25 new and upgraded transport and special vehicles sent in its four armored models. Presentation and tests took place November 10 inCherkassy region in State Border Service Brigadier General Igor Momot Apprentice Training Centre.

 If KrAZ-Shrek and KrAZ-Fiona are not new and proved their performance and power in UN peacekeeping operations, combat activity in the east of our country and while being used for various tasks by Armed Forces and National Guard of Ukraine, KrAZ-Hulk and driverless KrAZ-Spartan have been seen and tested by border guards for the first time ever. State Border Service does not hide its interest and need in up-to-date Ukrainian vehicles, which, according to them, will make border protection more efficient. Some border guard units are provided with armored vehicles KrAZ-Spartan and KrAZ-Cougar but this number is far from being sufficient for border protection and guarding as well as for provision of logistical support. There is only a score of vehicles in service while hundreds of them are needed for successful performance of tasks. According to border guards present at the meeting light armored vehicles KrAZ in service with border guard units are reliable and well suited to meet their needs. Heavy armored vehicles such as KrAZ-Shrek, KrAZ-Fiona and KrAZ-Hulk would certainly find use when entering into service with border guard units. Performance of the KrAZ-5233 and KrAZ-6322 chassis they are based on proven by thousands of kilometers a year both on road and off road  gives assurance that this vehicle is an ideal choice for border protection in service with the army.  Driverless KrAZ-Spartan would be of use when patrolling borders.

Representatives of “AutoKrAZ” thanked border guards for high mark given to their efforts and products made by the company, good suggestions on improving KrAZ vehicles. Kremenchug Automobile Plant will continue to develop and upgrade its range of military vehicles to meet completely the needs of defence and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine in domestic-made up-to-date vehicles.

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