
Another Special Event for KrAZ Veterans

29 June, 2017

On the eve of Ukraine’s Constitution Day a massive meeting of former worker of cab assembly workshop took place at Kremenchug Automobile Plant. They came at the invitation of the administration and the Council of Veterans, which regularly conduct such events for various KrAZ departments to make elderly people to feel cared about, to show attention and respect for them, to have possibility to see familiar faces and places, to recall early work career.

Their visit was coincident with celebration of 50th anniversary of KrAZHistoryMuseum. Veterans of labor have been its first visitors on the anniversary day, they checked out exhibits with interest.  

Traditionally, a tour was arranged for 30 former employees. Veterans watched breakneck driving of powerful KrAZ truck over obstacles of the company’s proving ground with enthusiasm and careful attention. They saluted wit cheers every fantastic feat, discussed driving technique for military truck, near which they later had taken picture.

They walked with nostalgia around cab assembly workshop that has been their home, place of work and communication for many years. They listened attentively to shop foreman who told about today’s activity of the subdivision, new introductions, mature products, met their young successors, hugged and cast their minds back with still working colleagues.

In the Training Centre they watched the film about today’s plant, its new models, advanced introductions.   After the tour they had a journey to dummy crossing site at DnieperRiver near Keleberda settlement. During World War II thousands of our warriors were killed there. KrAZ veterans honored the memory of those killed by laying flowers at the memorial, putting wreaths in water and lighting candles in church contributed by charity givers near the dummy crossing site. It was very emblematic because June 22 inUkraine is the Day of Mourning and Remembrance of the victims of World War II.

After all, in the village hall, they remembered years of working together and enjoyed festal dinner. Praise and gratitude went to present General Director Roman Chernyak who started his career in the cab assembly workshop. Many veterans remember him since the period of their employment with the company, told about their joy that the plant management does not forget them, takes good care of the company and employees.

“We are very glad with today’s meeting, tour and our automobile plant. It is a very pleasant feeling to be cared of at the company where you have worked for almost half century. We are grateful and deeply moved, such meetings with out past are necessary to us, old KrAZ workers, - they said before leaving. 

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