
New KrAZ Vehicle to Clean Kremenchug Roads

25 Августа, 2016

“AutoKrAZ” has won the bid for delivery of the KrAZ-5401С2 vehicle for road maintenance launched by Kremenchug City Council for the municipal company КТP-1628.

The multi-purpose road maintenance vehicle with demountable equipment and snow plough will be based on the KrAZ-5401С2 4х2 dump truck in accordance with bid requirements. This is a new advanced generation of Kremenchug trucks developed to meet the needs of Ukrainian municipal companies. Bonnetless KrAZ trucks offer excellent maneuverability, which is important for operation in urban environment, while being as efficient and powerful as their conventional counterparts.  

The road maintenance vehicle will be provided with salt spreader for spreading grit or de-icing materials controlled by no-board computer and snow plough to remove snow from road surface.  The special vehicle will be built and transferred to the customer till the end of this year in compliance with bid requirements.

We would like to recall that municipal vehicles such as garbage trucks, street sweepers and road maintenance vehicles delivered to КТP №1628 under contracts awarded under bids won by “AutoKrAZ” in different periods have been cleaning the streets of our town for almost 5 years. Operators praise maneuverability and high efficiency of new generation national vehicles. They think that manufacturer’s location in direct proximity and accessible service are great advantages.

“AutoKrAZ” is glad to say that new town rulers made the first move to continue partnership of town council and the largest company to the benefit of municipal services initiated by mayor Oleg Babayev. Kremenchug Automobile Plant, one of the largest budget contributors of Kremenchug and Poltava region, hopes to develop partnership that will do good for the town, too: best prices, clean streets, safe road traffic, contributing to the budget and for the automobile plant – support for almost 4000 of its employees. Today our town is still in need of street sweepers, street sprinklers, garbage trucks and other vehicles for maintenance and repair of roads. KrAZ manufactures all of them and is ready to provide not only Kremenchug but all the municipal services of the country with any amount of municipal vehicles.

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